Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Inspiration to write an amusing blog post is difficult to come by these days.
The dastardly fiends known as the Writing Gods have, in order to spite me, kept all the funny story ideas to themselves, leaving me not unlike a desperate fratboy denied a high-five.
"Come on, bro, don't leave me hangin'!" I eloquently beg the sadistic deities, my backwards baseball cap falling off in despair.
(Yes, headgear can fall off in despair. Shut up.)
But, alas, despite all of my pleading, the Gods continue to revel in their Schadenfruede, leaving me with nary an amusing limerick to please my perpetually patient blog readers.
So, if you were wondering why I've not been updating as of late, it is because the Writing Gods are out to get me, not because the cricket-wizards have finally finished me off.
Not that they have not been trying, mind you, what with all their hiding in the silverware drawer, trying to give me a heart attack by jumping out at me when I only want a spoon for my delicious Cheerios.
All righty, then.
That is all.


Mariah Irvin said...

I hate it when the Writing Gods behave dastardly.

:] said...

Don't we all.

Alicia said...

Have you considered that the cricket-wizards are working in tandem with the Writing Gods? Perhaps your next great piece of work will be inspired by the insipid insects that currently plague you and your choice of breakfast cereal...

:] said...

It's a fine theory, but if the Writing Gods are indeed trying to give me inspiration, they might want to re-think their strategy. The only things the cricket-wizards are inspiring me to do is to be wary of silverware drawers...