So, it just so happens that I did not get any art classes this year.
Please do not misunderstand me, I did attempt to get one, but I was unfortunately thwarted by my music teacher who, yet again, guilted me into taking Instrumental Lab, so if you were hoping to see any drawings of a higher artistic quality than my Microsoft Paint stick figures and unrealistically sized angry-bees, then I'm afraid I shall have to disappoint you.
However, I was able to get a creative writing class, so perhaps you will be able to see, dare I say, even more cranium-explodingly amazing writing from yours truly. (Egocentric, you say? Whatever gave you that idea?)
I am somewhat depressed that summer is coming to an end, though.
It hardly seems as if I was able to do anything these past few months except get attacked by various insects.
It is indeed quite a shame, but I suppose that these sorts of things are bound to happen.
To me, anyway.
So, it is on that note I leave you, my dear blog readers.
One hopes that your summers were filled with less leggy anthropods than mine.
Hola! :) Saw ur cute sandwich pic on Mariah Irvin's follower widget, and had to come check it out! Ur adorable! :)
AND- Careful who u let read ur stories in ur writing class- or even who you talk about them with!! I was casually talking about a story idea I had before class once to a friend next to me, and a week later- the evil girl who sat in front of us had STOLEN MY STORY and EVEN had the audacity to READ it in front of the whole class!! I was just sitting there with my mouth open. i didn't say anything at the time tho- I'm saving it in case I'm a huge author and they invite me on the 'Today' Show-I'll call her out nationally!
Hey, thanks for the comment/compliment/various smiley-faces! I really appreciate it! :]
And I don't think there are nefarious villians who are out to steal my ideas in my writing class, but I shall keep an eye out nonetheless!
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