Don't you hate it when you find out a band has free downloads for their music on their website after you already went ahead and bought the album on iTunes?
Why bother putting it up for sale if you've got free downloads?
Solely for the purpose of irritating those who were too stupid to Google the band before purchasing the songs?
That must be it.
Music is out to get me.
It's the only logical explaination.
...Anyhow, on a non-paranoid note, I've still yet to finish that irony essay.
Rather, I've yet to finish the final draft. (Miraculously,) I managed to get an A- on the rough draft, so I only need to tweak the intro a mite.
Can't seem to get motivated enough to do that, though.
Which is fine with me.
I write my best work at 3 o'clock in the morning anyway.
So, I shall bid you adieu for this evening, my sweet but imaginary blog readers.
Perhaps your blog readers are not so imaginary: there's no "follow" button on your blog. I would love to read it, but my scattered brain will inevitably forget to come back if I don't have Google Reader or something of the sort to remind me. Also, you could install a site meter ( ) to send you weekly emails that automatically track your readership by the day, and by the hour.
Lovely randomness, by the way. You remind me of one of my very best friends, Wendy, especially with the "merde" comment.
Ha, thank you. That's pretty much all the French I know...
And there's a follow button added now, so your brain may be as scattered as it wishes and still be able to keep up with my little ol' blog.
Thanks again for the comment!
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